Tuesday, December 10, 2024


How to Drive a Stampede of Laser Targeted Traffic Using Postcards

How would you like to make $4 for EVERY visitor who hits your site? How about $8? Would you be interested?

Low-Cost Marketing With Postcards

Here's a simple way you can generate lots of sales leads ...or traffic to your web site. Use postcards. They're highly effective and very low-cost. Plus, postcards provide the following 6 unique advantages over most other types of advertising.

Simple Postcards Generate Low-Cost Prospect Leads

The postcard is a highly effective business tool you can use to generate prospect leads for a very low cost. Even the smallest business on a tight advertising budget can afford to implement a successful postcard mailing campaign.

High Response Marketing With Low-Cost Postcards

Postcards can drive a huge amount of traffic to your web site, generate a flood of new sales leads or produce a surge in any business activity you want. And you don't have to spend a lot of time or money on them ...if you apply these four little-known postcard marketing secrets.

How To Generate More Business With Powerful & Inexpensive Postcards

Postcards can be valuable marketing tools for just about any business. Here are a few ideas that will help you get the most from your own postcard campaign.

Generate Web Site Traffic And Sales Leads With Postcards

Postcards can drive a high volume of traffic to your web site and they can generate a large number of sales leads for you. They're highly effective, easy to use and cost very little.

Low-Cost Marketing With Business Postcards

Modern, low-cost business postcards can drive a high volume of traffic to your web site, generate a flood of new sales leads, or promote any other business activity you want. They are easy to use, cost very little and produce results almost immediately.

Why should you market with postcards? Here are 10 good reasons!

1. Postcard marketing is affordable, even for the smallest of businesses. A year-long postcard marketing campaign to each name on my mailing list costs less than $6.00 per name per year. And, better yet, my mailing list rental costs are zero. That's because I created my own list for free. Before I put any name on my list, I ask myself if this person would be interested in hearing from me on an ongoing basis. If I think so, that individual goes on the list, and, as mentioned previously, it will cost me around $6.00 per name per year to keep her there. If I don't think that someone will want to hear from me regularly, I keep him off the list. My list includes: