Friday, January 10, 2025


Washington Post Launches Political Database

The Washington Post has launched a new site called that consists of comprehensive profiles of people in politics and the government.Currently the site is focused on people involved in the government and politics on a national level but plans are in the works to expand it to include state officials, experts at think tanks and interest groups.

Most Political Blog Visitors Conservative

If news consumers are indeed upset with the “liberal elite media” and the “liberal regular media,” as Tina Fey, portraying Sarah Palin, put it last week, then the Internet has provided a robust alternative. In fact, as network television ratings slump, comScore says visits to “standalone” political and news websites and blogs are booming, and it looks like the conservatives are winning.At least in September. A lot can change in a few weeks.

Ebay Chiefs Opposites On Political Spectrum

Former president and CEO of eBay, Meg Whitman, was thrust into the national spotlight once again after Republican presidential nominee John McCain dropped her name as possible Treasury Secretary at Tuesday night’s debate with Barack Obama. Judging from cofounder Pierre Omidyar’s Twitter account, he took issue with McCain’s assertions.

BlogHer’s Guide To Political Bloggers

Our customer BlogHer just launched their new BlogHer Guide to Political Bloggers.  Neat stuff, built on top of Cerado Ventana.  (But i'm biased :-)). Check it out. From the BlogHer page:

Spot Runner Launches Political Advertising Program

In a move that's either ingenious, scary, or both, Spot Runner has launched a new Political Advertising Program.  Political campaigns of every size are supposed to buy preexisting video spots, personalize them, and then put the things on television.

Political Parties Embrace New Media

New media usage is a commonplace activity for U.S. adults in all major political parties, according to BIGresearchs's "Simultaneous Media Usage Study."

Malaysian Bloggers Make Political Run

Bloggers in Malaysia are having an impact on the political process as the country prepares for elections next month.Three well-known bloggers, who are opponents of the ruling party that has been in power for fifty years, are running for the first time as candidates on March 8, counting on their online popularity to bring in votes.

Google Says Behave On Political Ads

Every candidate wants to find an advantage over the opponents. Those who choose to use Google's ad products will have to mind their manners.
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