Friday, February 21, 2025


Bloggers, Podcasters… Do NOT Buy This Book!

Why don't I want you to buy this book? Because it contains the secrets to beating me at Technorati (and how to get Shelley Powers and Steve Gillmor to link to you on the same day! Although with Gillmor you really don't want him to link to you, trust me on this).

Podcasters’ Guide To Avoiding Lawyers

Boston attorney Jeffrey P. Hermes asks the question: "Do podcasters know their legal obligations?" The answer to that is largely, well, probably, "no." Though cases involving Internet content and properties are becoming more regular in the courtroom, the podcast is still virgin territory. Hermes believes that will change, and probably soon.

BadApple May Bear Good Fruit For Podcasters

A software plug-in for the iTunes Music Store adds a utility to find and download podcasts.

Hot Recorder is Hot For Podcasters!

If you're a podcaster, and you don't have any kind of professional-type hardware (a mixer, for instance), and you're looking for almost the perfect way to record interviews via Skype relying just on software, then this is the solution for you.
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