Google Maps Gets Into Books, Pictures, And Videos
The name of Google Maps is pretty self-defining. Google is the owner, and maps are those little help-you-find-your-way drawings. But now a new update is tossing books, pictures, and videos into the equation.
Hotlinking Pictures for SEO
Michel Telendro tells me it has become a search engine optimization practice (black to gray-hat, I assume) of hotlinking images from other servers... to rank your own site well in Google Image search results.
High Rankings SEM Seminar Pictures
Day one of the Minneapolis High Rankings seminar went well and I think the presentations were well received. One thing I think I did not emphasize is that the speakers are not only subject matter experts, but they’re skilled at instruction as well
Ask Jeeves For Pictures Too
A new search engine from Ask Jeeves lets users delve into the world of image search, via a new dedicated picture search technology from the company.
Pretty pictures :a question of blog aesthetics.
Is a blog that uses pictures in its posts more likely to succeed that a blog that posts identical content but doesn't use the pictures? Sure, we know that there are many other considerations in the success or otherwise of a blog, but take a pure economists view of a perfect market where both blogs are identical in every other way.
Yahoo! Pictures You Using PhotoMail Service
The portal and search engine company offers another online tool; this one lets you e-mail 300 digital photos to your friends.
Sony Pictures Turns To Microsoft
At the National Association of Broadcasters convention, NAB2005, Microsoft announced that Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) is implementing the Microsoft Connected Services Framework.
Text vs Pictures: Shedding Light on the Debate
What's more important to your web site: pictures or text? If you have an ecommerce web site, you need the answer to that question. Your profits depend on it.