Monday, January 13, 2025


Exploring The Google Penalty Box

Pick a number between 6 and 950 and you'll likely find evidence, or at least the antecedent number, for a Google ranking penalty. Webmasters and SEOers are in general agreement Google penalizes, and have dubbed them according to their numeric reprimand: -6, -30, -60, -950, and so on. Google inadvertently in cases has acknowledged such penalties exist, but has yet to present any hard and fast rules.

SMX: Penalty Box Summit

The opening lines of the session is “Had a site hit the search engine penalty box? In this session, search engines share the latest on how they give you official signs of this, along with reinclusion procedures. The session includes lots of time for audience-driven discussion on penalties and how procedures might be improved.”

SMX: Boundaries Of The Penalty Box

If you don’t want to land in the proverbial search engine penalty box - or if you’re already there and want to get out - there are signs to look for and steps to be taken. "SMX: Boundaries Of The Penalty Box"

New Google Penalty Revealed, And It Sucks

The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Like jilted lovers, webmasters jettisoned into the sandbox, hit with the -30 penalty, or even the -950 death kiss, like to wag an accusatory finger at Google. But, some SEO experts are saying, there is a whole other penalty webmasters are often unaware of - a penalty that says "it's not me, it's you."

Google's Minus 30 Penalty

Last year, one of the biggest debates concerning Google had to do with the existence of a sandbox, or a place sites were "placed"...

Multiple Domain Names Penalty

If you own a web site AND you have multiple domain names registered, you might want to read this with your full attention.

Avoid Duplicate Content Penalty on PPC Landing Pages!

There are recent posts in marketing forums worrying over "duplicate content" penalties concerns when creating pages intended as Pay-Per-Click landing pages. First a couple of definitions:

California Prisons Like Automatic Death Penalty

If you're convicted of a crime, better hope you're not sent to a California prison. The prison health care system is so bad that one inmate dies every week.