Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Amazon Flexes Payments Service Beta

This latest addition to an infrastructure lineup of S3 and EC2 (data storage/transfer and distributed computing, respectively) enhances Amazon's strength as a powerful destination for developers.

Yahoo Checks Out PayPal For Payments

Yahoo and eBay announced the Yahoo PayPal Checkout Program, which users of Yahoo Search will encounter as little blue shopping cart icons in the search results.

Tips on Accepting Website Payments

Accepting electronic payments is essential to an ebusiness. The UK is Europe's largest ecommerce economy with 27.7 million UK having shopped online- and it is growing fast.

Accepting Payments Online Without a Merchant Account

Do you really need a merchant account?

Yahoo: Banking Today, Payments Tomorrow?

If Yahoo Japan's most recent attempt at starting a joint venture and taking a position in an online bank succeeds, it could be a testing ground for establishing an online payment service.

How to Receive Payments for Your Online Sales

Once you decide which products you are planning to sell on the Internet, and what type of web store you are going to use in order to display your products, next vital decision that you have to take is to figure out how your customers are going to pay you. Whatever you plan to sell online, accepting credit card transaction is a must! A full 90 percent of all online sales occur through credit card payments.

How To Take Payments On Your Website

After my two-part article about selling things on your website, I had several people ask for more details on billing companies and shopping carts. So here goes.

Accepting Payments Online: Which System to Choose?

If you are selling goods or services, software or other stuff you need to arrange online payment mechanism for your customers.
How do career paths in canada offer unique opportunities for product managers ?. Applying for a personal loan ? here’s what you should know. Work remotely ? you might not qualify for a home office tax deduction.