Thursday, February 20, 2025


Shield Law Passes House

The U.S. House of Representatives today voted on and passed a journalist shield bill which also covers bloggers. While still a long way from a law, this is an important step in the process toward becoming a law.

House Passes Law Shielding Bloggers

The House passed the Free Flow of Information Act of 2007 on Tuesday, a federal shield bill that would protect reporters from having to divulge their confidential sources in federal court.

Wiki Deliberation Passes Bill in Legislature

On Friday, the Utah House of Representatives passed the first Universal School Voucher bill in the nation. The bill is destined to become law according John Fund in the Wall Street Journal and was also the first real test of wikifying the legislative process.

“Hidden Voice of Wired” Passes Away

This weekend, the Valley lost a sharp journalist and a good man. Bill Goggins, a former editor at Wired Magazine, died while running the San Francisco Marathon this Sunday.

US Passes Misleading Hyperlink Law

The US Congress passed a bill into law this week aimed at protecting children from online predators. The law dictates how hyperlinks and domain names leading to sexual content may be presented. The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 prohibits "misleading" domain names and links.

Windows Passes Unix In Server Market

Spending for Windows servers passed that for Unix servers in the fourth quarter of 2005, as Windows passed the venerable operating system in the global market for the first time.

Google Passes 2005 In Blog Style

The official Google blog has been the search advertising company's way of discussing its business moves and other actions over the course of the previous year.

Senate Passes Cleaner Energy Bill

The Senate passed an energy bill by large numbers yesterday to provide tax incentives to domestic energy companies in the hopes of encouraging oil and natural gas production. The bill also offers billions of dollars worth of incentive to expand renewable energy sources, nuclear power, and conservation.
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