Friday, February 7, 2025


Dont Overlook the Google Deskbar (I didnt say Toolbar)

There's plenty of talk about the Google Toolbar, but I don't really hear much about the Google Deskbar. It's a shame, as it's really a great tool, does many of the same things as Toolbar, yet takes up only about an inch of your taskbar. I'm not sure as to why the lack of awareness-maybe because Google is really pushing the Toolbar.

PR That Entrepreneurs Often Overlook

If that sounds like you, here's what you may be missing once the new enterprise is launched

A Freelance Copywriter? Dont Overlook Their Value

To manage costs, many companies choose to handle the development of their marketing materials strictly in-house. What they dont realize is that they could be limiting their profits by following this strategy.

Don’t Overlook Your Most Profitable Source of Business

A new business owner called me recently with a question I hear often. She asked, "What can I do to build my business faster? I'm making a small profit but cannot seem to generate enough sales to make the real money in this business."

Don’t Overlook The Easy Sales

Are you so busy chasing down new customers that you completely overlooked these two prime sources for easy sales?

Don’t Overlook Your Natural Market

Are you overlooking an easy source of highly profitable sales and profits hidden in your existing target market? You are if you don't capitalize on the powerful advantage of your 'natural market'.
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