Wednesday, December 11, 2024


3 Buying Obstacles You Must Overcome

Do you know how may sales you lose from customers who almost buy from you? Losing "almost customers" is a major source of lost income for most businesses. But few are aware of the problem and even fewer employ a strategy to prevent this unnecessary loss of income.

Top 10 Ways For Copywriters To Overcome Writer’s Block

We all know that words have the power to persuade, compel and most importantly, sell.

The Top Three Problems IT Managers Face and How to Overcome Them

Today's business environment has changed drastically from just a few years back. Rather than working exclusively with equipment, data, and systems, today's IT managers face issues such as cross training, personnel management, interdepartmental communication, and a widening job scope for all IT employees.

How to Overcome the Call Center Conundrum

Master Time Management Each day customer service representatives at BancTec Computer and Network Services field roughly 5,000 telephone calls that average 14 minutes and may go as long as an hour--and need to. So when company executives put on the pressure to cut costs and realize efficiencies, Jackson had to be creative.

10 Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Selling

Ahh. Selling. Sometimes, this is a word that is dreaded and feared by all but the most intrepid business owners. It seems that, even though we all know we need to "sell" our products and services, many of us feel fearful or anxious about actually doing so.

Overcome Writers Block with Snake Dancing

Writers block! Even columnist Dave Berry has it. He admits that at least 30 times a day when writing his humor column, he gets up from his computer to sip his Pepsi and to divert his attention when he can't think of what to write. Recently, he reached for the cola and instead found a coiled snake. He tried barbecue tongs to carry it away, but when it landed in his pool, he kept the dance going trying to catch the thing.

Overcome Information Overload with Mind Maps

For people who work with information, the problem used to be finding enough of it. If you were analyzing a subject, or writing a report, most of your time was spent finding the information you needed.

How to Overcome your Computer? Part #1

Is your computer giving you a headache? Are you struggling to practice every new tip you learn? But it is just useless because it's impossible to recall.