Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Net Neutrality Narrowly Escapes Stimulus Doom

Though it had nothing do with creating jobs or stimulating the economy and had everything to do with sneaking in a pro-Entertainment industry initiative, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) almost single-handedly dealt a deadly blow to the Net Neutrality issue.

Is Google Secretly Anti-Net Neutrality?

The Wall Street Journal has created a ton of Internet buzz, but not in a good way. In what now appears to have been a slam against Google, Barack Obama, and Network Neutrality, there are misrepresentations, misquotes, and pure fabrications seemingly tailored toward a desired end: create the appearance Net Neutrality is losing its most important supporters.

Sprint Lobbyist Declares Net Neutrality Support

The thing about being a journalist, web or otherwise, is you are essentially always on the job, and sometimes you’re on the clock when you least expect it. Rufus Edmisten, former attorney general and secretary of state for North Carolina turned Philip Morris/Sprint/Alltel lobbyist, was informed of my occupation more than once—web journalist, I told him—which didn’t seem to register on any particular level with him.

Net Neutrality A Likely Reality In 2009

Once the election smoke has cleared, Congress appears poised to pass Network Neutrality legislation. With promises from the Obama campaign about upholding neutrality principles, any remaining FCC opposition will be left standing out on a weak limb.

What In The World Is Net Neutrality?

I had the great pleasure and privilege of speaking at Search Engine Strategies 2008 in San Jose. The topic? Net neutrality. This is the point where your eyes glaze over and the inevitable question, “What is net neutrality?” comes forth. And that’s the point of this article.

Wall Street Journal Stabs At Net Neutrality

It's interesting, but not surprising, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is the target of a scathing editorial by the Wall Street Journal. He's an easy and popular target these days from both sides of just about any issue involving the FCC. He stinks. Everybody knows it.

Democrats Come Out For Net Neutrality

Though Net Neutrality is not a partisan issue, as evidenced by bipartisan support outside of Congress, primary support (but not all of it) for enshrining what is called the Internet's First Amendment has come from Democratic legislators. Matt Stoller, blogging for Open Left, is proud to tell everyone, then, his campaign to get 16 Democratic Senate challengers in this year's election season on board for the cause is a success.

Tired Old Goodmail Regroups, Becomes Net Neutrality Issue

Two year's ago there was a bit of a media frenzy surrounding Goodmail's apparent arrangement with AOL; if you don't recall the exact players you might remember national news coverage of the "email postage" scare in spring 2006. Well, Goodmail's back with a new CEO and a new plan: certifying video email.
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