Wednesday, February 19, 2025


The Search For Seducible Moments

How do you let your users know about your site’s particular benefits? We get this question all of the time from designers. If you offer something that is unique to your organization, (and chances are that you do – that’s why you’re in business) then how do you make the users aware of these benefits? A little while back, we had the chance to compare two web sites: and Part of the objective of each site is to sell expensive products. In the case of Sears, they sell appliances, such as refrigerators and washers. Dell sells desktop PCs and laptops.

Capitalizing On Your Moments of Truth

A territory sales rep for Upjohn communicated with her actions when she was denied the opportunity to communicate with words. She was making a joint sales call with her boss, the district manager. The doctor they were calling on worked at a medical clinic that was located on the twelfth floor of a high-rise office building in downtown Los Angeles. It's important to remember here that most doctors don't like to meet with pharmaceutical sales reps. The reason is there are lots of them, they are young and aggressive, they think they know everything so they insult the doctor's intelligence and often promise things on which they don't follow through.

The Right Way to Address Internet Spam

This is a lesson about spam. The good kind. The kind that can earn you a valuable customer and friend.
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