Sunday, December 15, 2024


Blogging, Politics, and Modern Media

Robert Scoble revealed in his blog that he had been invited by the John Edwards campaign to cover the Senator's announcement regarding his intention to pursue the U.S. Presidency.

Paving the Road to Success: Modern-Day Logistical Systems

For any business looking to trade worldwide, properly integrated logistical systems can mean the difference between roaring success and dismal failure.

Liquid VS Fixed Layout Debate in Modern Web Design

For the last 10 years the question of whether to use fixed or liquid layouts when designing a website has raged on in the web design world, with major design players on both sides of the proverbial fence. Recently though, as screen resolutions have increased dramatically, fixed layouts have all but replaced liquid, but there are still come major advantages to a liquid layout if designed properly. Preliminaries

Modern Marketing With Postcards

Postcards may be one of the best kept secrets of modern marketing. They produce even better results now than in the past. That's probably because postcards deliver information the way people want to get it today and with little or no effort.

Why Modern Marketing Loves Open Source

For Modern Marketeers the Open Source Movement provides some great lessons in the power of online communities.

Ancient Warrior Secrets For The Modern Entrepreneur

The words you see onscreen trigger subconscious responses. Dark images penetrate your mind. Your heartbeat increases slightly. Your muscles tighten. Like a warrior advancing to combat, you prepare to engage with your market. Ready, aim, fire. You send an email! Everyday, military metaphors are projected across our computer screens. Guerrilla marketing. Market penetration. Global domination. Competitive intelligence and more. How do you approach your marketing, your business? At the end of the day, do you feel like you have been in battle? Suffering battle fatigue.

Content Management: Critical Skill Of The Modern Manager

The Internet has changed how organizations manage. Historically, management was focused on 'walking and talking.' Today, 'reading and writing' are becoming more and more central. This trend is reinforced by a recent META Group study, which found that 80 percent of business people choose email as their primary communication tool.

The 6 Key Roles of the Modern Manager

So much is changing in our economic and business environment these years, is it any wonder that the nature of leadership is changing too? We're not talking a new fad, here, folks. Fads come and they go. Leadership-as it is progressively practiced today-is here to stay! If you manage, supervise, direct or formally influence other people, you lead them! So, just for the record, what does this new style of leadership comprise?