Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Get your 15 Minutes at mesh

In case you haven’t been keeping track, it’s May already — and that can only mean one thing: the mesh conference is less than a month away.

60 Minutes Previews Deal With Yahoo

60 Minutes announced a preview of its new arrangement with Yahoo at the end of their Sunday broadcast.

60 Minutes To Yahoo Media

The venerable CBS news show celebrated Mike Wallace's departure by inking a deal to place expanded content from "60 Minutes" on Yahoo after the broadcast.

Email is So Five Minutes Ago

Great article in BusinessWeek on how wikis and IM are solving the email problem.

10 Minutes to Your Google Sitemap…

Google's calling your name... Hi, Google here. We want to index your website... Is anyone there?

How To Build A Profitable Niche Site Within 27 Minutes

Building niche a portfolio of profitable niche sites is a great way of developing a recurring income stream. A typical niche mini site may only earn you $60 per week but at that rate, four such sites will generate a yearly income of over $12,000. I'll let you figure out the earnings potential of 100 mini sites!

In The Future, Everyone’s PC Will Be Infected For Fifteen Minutes

Gartner research says "Warhol Worms" and four other topics comprise the five most overhyped security threats today.

Spend 70 Minutes with Robert Scoble

Seventy minutes. That's all you need to get a solid overview of just why blogs will be so important to marketing and PR in the 21st Century.
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