Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Measuring Search And Offline Marketing Success

The session "Measuring Search & Offline Marketing Success" touched on the importance of tracking offline conversions that start through search. (Coverage of SMX West continues at Murdok Videos.  Keep an eye on Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.)

Measuring Success In A 2.0 World

At the SES Chicago session "Measuring Success in a 2.0 World" the panel discussed different strategies to use to track success.(Coverage of SES Chicago continues at Murdok Videos.  Keep an eye on Murdok for more notes and videos from the event this week.)Matthew Bailey, President, SiteLogic, said information + context = knowledge. Bailey said to "add context to the data."

Google Measuring Brain Waves

There’ve been a lot of disturbing news in advertising this year and this week, all of it involving brain stuff.  Thankfully, Google’s not manipulating our thoughts—yet.

SES: Measuring Success in a 2.0 World

In the SES session "Measuring Success in a 2.0 World", Matt Bailey, president, SiteLogic said, "The only way to get beyond 1.0 analytics is questions. Something no analytics software will do for you."

Measuring Social Media

"How do you measure social media programs?"

SES – Metrics Challenges & Measuring Success

Meet the Web Analytics Players: Vendors from major web analytics services each cover different metrics challenges plus answer questions about measuring success and their tools in general. Moderator: Frank Watson, Head Search Marketing, FXCM Speakers: Chris Knoch, Principal Consultant, Omniture, Inc, Thomas Grant, Director - Internet Marketing Solutions, Unica Corporation, Kristen Nomura, Sr. Account Manager, Google Analytics.

Google Maps Adds Line-Measuring Tool

To me, camping means carrying a lot of stuff and sacrificing a decent shower.  Hiking, on the other hand, suggests a pleasant jaunt through the wilderness.  So a new distance-measuring tool from Google Maps is rather interesting - it should make sure that hikes don’t inadvertently turn into camping trips.

SEW Live – Measuring Social Media

The saying “all publicity is good publicity,” has, I think, been pretty much dismissed by now.  But to what degree, and in what instances?  Sage Lewis, founder and president of Sage Rock, considered those questions (among others) during his talk on “Measuring the Impact of Social Media” at yesterday’s SEW Live event.
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