How do Blogs Measure up?
One of the benefits of being an IABC member is Communication World, the magazine for members.
The September/October edition, which arrived in the mail today, is packed full of great content and is one of the better issues I’ve read in a while.
Your Measure of Search Marketing Success
Have you been in the search marketing business for more than a few years? I am curious what your measures of success as a business are?
For some, it’ notoriety. It’s the pomp and circumstance of celebrity within their industry that gives them something to hang their hat on.
Nielsen To Measure Mobile Users
he Nielsen Company said they would begin measuring mobile phone users through their Nielsen Wireless service. The service will measure the amount of people who use mobile Internet and mobile video.
"Nielsen To Measure Mobile Users"
Define, Test, Measure, Repeat – Successful Blogging
The key to success in blogging, whether you want to make money, gain more subscribers, or increase visitor engagement is to constantly test new strategies.
With A/B testing and using web analytics to measure its performance anyone can move closer to their ideal formula of success. Here are a few suggestions you can try testing within your blog:
Measure Influence With BuzzLogic
Brand, Influence and Reach are all very difficult to measure and for many companies they are crucial in understanding the success of their marketing and advertising efforts over the Internet. Through its unique algorithms BuzzLogic is able to provide the ability to measure these items across various segments such as: Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Blogging, Brand/Product Marketing...
Google Makes Measure Map A Statistic
The Measure Map team has joined Google, bringing their blog stat/web analytics to the search advertising company and asking bloggers to request an invitation to join the service.
Don’t Measure Blog Readership, Measure Influence
With their usual flair, The Boston Herald declares "Americans aren't all agog for blogs." ...
How To Measure Search Engine Marketing ROI
According to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), advertisers spent $4 billion in 2004 on search marketing programs and are expected to spend 39% more than that this year.