Sunday, January 12, 2025


Where You Put Your CFERROR Tag Matters

Chalk this up to the "I can't believe you never saw this before" file.

Blogging Matters To Marketers

Six senior US marketers have posted their thoughts and opinions on why they believe blogging matters to marketers:

What Matters in Behavioral Ad Targeting?

Size of Your Segment and Network Reach.

ColdFusion Matters, And Your Responses

In my last article about ColdFusion, I asked developers to tell me why that development platform still mattered in the age of LAMP, Ruby on Rails, and Ajax.

Why NAT Traversal Matters to You!

Have you ever wanted to connect to your home machine from work -- or vice versa -- but were unable to do so because you were behind a Linksys, NetGear, or Apple router?

Affinity Matters

The most credible source of information about a company is now "a person like me," which has risen dramatically to surpass doctors and academic experts for the first time, according to the seventh annual Edelman Trust Barometer.

Query Structure Matters For Mystery Solving

MSN has expanded its Instant Answers search feature to include sports statistics, weather, politician information, and holiday customs. MSN can even tell you how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop, if you know how to ask the question.

Why Web 2.0 Matters to your Business – First Steps

Here is my first post in my new series on why "Web 2.0″ matters to your business.
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