Friday, February 21, 2025


Real-Time Mobile Video Headed Toward Mainstream

An interesting report has been released today indicating that US mobile operators and equipment vendors support the drive toward real-time video, projected to become more mainstream in the US market over the coming years. The report is based on a poll from consulting firm Ovum of top US mobile operators, smaller/regional wireless carriers and mobile application developers.

CNN Brings Twitter Mainstream

You might say we've developed a bit of a fascination with Twitter, what with all the coverage and launching our own Twitter people directory, Twellow. Now that even CNN's talking about Twitter, we're reminded we were once fascinated by another upstart before it went mainstream: Google.

Blist Seeks Mainstream Database Audience

Building database sources and constructing queries intimidate the typical Internet user. Blist founder and CEO Kevin Merritt believes databases should serve people, instead of the other way around.

NYT Adds Blogrunner; Mainstream Media Fail to Mention it

If you want to see evidence of why blogs continue to grow as a source for news, while mainstream media (MSM) sites appear stagnant, you need look no further than the latest announcement by the New York Times.

Why Isn’t Audio Podcasting Mainstream?

I’ve had this post in mind for a couple months now. I’ve put it off due in part to my travel schedule and in part because I wanted to chew on it a bit more. It’s certainly not a new topic; in fact, it’s well-worn territory: Why hasn’t audio podcasting become mainstream?

Where Mainstream Fails, YouTube Delivers Dick

It's not exactly a stretch to say the White House has public relations issues. For the most part, though, footage that could be held against them has been dug up by the Daily Show more than the mainstream media. And then came YouTube. What you might call a fringe group – global conspiracy prophets are fringe, right? – have uploaded an obscure video from 1994, where then former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney defended the decision not to invade Iraq following the Gulf War (a decision which, if you remember in fairness, broke poor Al Gore's heart).

Innovation – The Key to Mainstream Media’s Survival

According to, the San Francisco Chronicle is cutting staff by 25%. Yep, 25% folks. That’s huge.

Internal Wikis Mainstream by 2010

Ferris Research, one of the first to cover enterprise wikis (Jeff Ubois wrote about them four years ago), has a new report that internal wikis will go mainstream by 2010.  Essentially, by then the knowledge base use case will be common and wikis will be the natural vehicle.
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