Calacanis Gets Free SEO Report For Mahalo
It maybe that Jason Calacanis just likes stirring up the SEO crowd, or it could be that he really feels a certain way about them. Either way, the hostility that met him at the beginning of the week meets him again at its close.
Mahalo – Search Results Inside Search Results?
So I was just reading a post by Graywolf about the Mahalo blog giving out nice free links to sites they would never include in their own search results for being to ’spammy’ and started poking around the new human search engine.
Mahalo To Curate Web Search
Substantial buzz has accompanied Jason Calacanis' startup debut of Mahalo, a search site with human editors refining the results for the currently 4,000 top search terms.
"Mahalo To Curate Web Search"