Sunday, January 12, 2025


Is Linkbait On Its Last Legs?

Many popular optimization strategies center on the practice of link baiting, which is SEO slang for developing content with the express purpose of luring in a large number of inbound links. As companies like Google continually tweak their algorithm to prevent the system from being gamed, analysts are beginning to wonder if linkbaiting has much of a future.

The Linkbait Bashing Circuit

Lately it seems to be quite fashionable to be on the linkbait bashing circuit. I came across a story on Digg which ties into my belief that you can make practically anything cool if you try hard enough.

Is Linkbait The Web’s Paparazzi?

SEOmoz's Rand Fishkin wonders if the unsavory real world of celebrity photographers has an online equivalent in linkbaited content.

SES London: Linkbait & When It’s Not

The link baiting season promised to be one of the highlights of SES London. With linkbait being one of the hottest contemporary SEO themes, the crowds filled the room to hear what the industry experts were going to share. The widget as link bait First up, Nick Wilson gave a good high level introduction to 'viral link building'. Giving a passionate speech, Nick discussed widgets as the ultimate linkbait, and his observations were well worth hearing. Heellloou Jason Calacanis

Interesting Discussion About Linkbait Games

The concept of linkbait exploded during the Las Vegas PubCon, thanks in large part to the drinkbait game. While it's true there were a number of sessions devoted to concept, seeing it in action in the form of game based on getting your picture taken hammered the whole idea home.

Are Linkbait Campaigns Hurt By NoFollow?

During the 2006 Las Vegas PubCon, the catch phrase of the week was linkbait. The idea is to create compelling enough content that...
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