Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Embrace All Methods of Learning About Customers

Glenn Gow brought to my attention a post he wrote a few weeks back that should get us all thinking. In it, he summarizes a recent MITSloan Management Review piece that upbraids most marketers for doing the easiest kind of market research: Listening to our existing customers.

A Good Starting Point for Learning About Video

If you’re interested in using video in your communication plans but don’t really know where to start - what equipment to get or what software you’ll need - three excellent articles published today on Journalism.co.uk will give you some clear pointers.

Yahoo Learning Email Innovation Lesson

Yahoo has learned a lesson Microsoft picked up during the Windows Live Mail/Hotmail beta, that the less experienced users who make up the brunt of their free email services are hard to innovate for. Yahoo announced late last week it was rolling into the new Yahoo Mail some features it had dropped from the old Mail. The most obvious one: the return of checkboxes.

Marketers Learning Value of Social Networks

Fox Interactive Media - and about half a dozen other companies - conducted a study to determine the value of social media for marketers. Sampling 3,000 US internet users, they discovered…

Learning From Leading Edge SEO Bloggers

Here’s a question what are you learning from leading SEO and internet marketing bloggers? Are you hoping one of them drops a thinly veiled, or rather obvious tip that will let you set a “virtual cash machine” on your front lawn? If you are you just might be ignoring the real pearls of wisdom that are right there in the open.

Learning from Island Marketing

I have a few days off and am in sunny Cancun until next Monday. Though Cancun may not officially be an island, there are several things that I noticed in common among every trip to an island or resort area that I have the chance to take - including this one.

Sony Slowly Learning Internet PR

Sony's recent dust-up with gaming blog Kotaku over their publication of a Playstation rumor ended up being handled much more quickly than their previous public relations blunders.

How Can a Learning Management System Help Your Business?

It is well known in today's time that knowledge is power and the more training your employee's receive, the better the employee, thus having a more successful company.
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