Thailand Lawyers Up In Anti-YouTube Crusade
About a month ago, the government of Thailand blocked YouTube; all of YouTube was inaccessible in all of Thailand, and the ban has remained in place all this time. But that apparently wasn’t enough: Thailand now intends to sue the video-sharing site.
Spammers Spoof Lawyers In Italy
Unfortunately, this spoofing has nothing to do with commedia dell'arte; in Italy, attackers are sending spam messages forged to appear to come from lawyers and directing recipients to download malware. There's no reason to think it couldn't happen here or elsewhere.
Podcasters’ Guide To Avoiding Lawyers
Boston attorney Jeffrey P. Hermes asks the question: "Do podcasters know their legal obligations?" The answer to that is largely, well, probably, "no." Though cases involving Internet content and properties are becoming more regular in the courtroom, the podcast is still virgin territory. Hermes believes that will change, and probably soon.
Yahoo Convinces Lawyers It’s Doing Its Best
Looks like Yahoo! successfully sweet-talked Checkmate Strategic Group into settling its class action click fraud lawsuit, filed in June of 2005. The plaintiffs will receivea more forthcoming Yahoo!
Lawyers Meet Syndication
Issues of copyright, collaboration, and fair use have become more of a concern, and the lawyers at the Syndicate Conference panel, "The Legalities of Blogging," acknowledged they are the bad news on the flip side of syndication's good news.
When Lawyers Attack With Email
The summary - a young lawyer applies for a position with a firm, which extends an offer, then cuts the offered salary; the young lawyer fires off an email declining the position, after which the fun really began.
Lawyers Take Control Of Macromedia Blogs
The news that Adobe is to aquire Macromedia is affecting, profoundly, Macromedia bloggers.