Monday, January 13, 2025


Doobie Brother Sics Lawyer On YouTube Embedder

You can get in trouble for embedding someone else's wife, but embedding someone else's YouTube upload? (Waiting for the rim shot. Jerks. I get no respect).

Lawyer Sues Lawyer For Online Rating System

Filing lawsuits is as routine for lawyers as grabbing a Starbucks on the way to the office. And they're kind of (to stereotype an entire profession) sensitive about things. So who could have predicted that a consumer website dedicated to rating lawyers would get sued?

The Ex-lawyer and Red Hat Support

When I bought my first home, I used a lawyer that a friend referred me to. The lawyer was great, thorough, responded quickly and took the time to explain things in plain English.

FCC Sucks, Says Google Lawyer

The war of words between major content providers and the telecom companies escalated nicely during the opening of the VON conference in San Jose, drawing the federal government into the fray.

Inventor Help: Go Hire a Great Patent Lawyer

Inventors should review hiring a top tier patent attorney, versus filing on their own or even worse doing nothing to protect their most important asset.

Tech Companies: How to Hire A Lawyer

So you're starting or currently running a technology company! It's a well-known fact that most small companies with limited budgets and multiple demands simply don't think about hiring a lawyer until a problem develops. How and when does a startup or young tech company decide to choose a legal representative? Procrastinating or going cheap on this decision can cost your company dearly later on.

How To Incorporate Yourself Without a Lawyer

You could save hundreds of dollars by incorporating yourself without a lawyer. How? Is it advisable to do so?
18 best ways of making money while travelling the world full time (or part time). 3 day notice. Non verbal communication.