Wednesday, February 19, 2025


SEM – The World’s Largest Popularity Contest

Currently, search engine marketing is best described by the phrase “popular.” This may change in the future, but right now, to rank in a competitive search term, you have to be popular; you know, like way back in high school where there was a division between the “cool kids” and everyone else.

Asia World’s Largest Internet Market

Research and Markets has released "2006 Asia Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband Market Overview" which contains information on the trends and developments in telecommunications, mobile, Internet, broadband and broadcasting for the Asian region.

China To Have The Largest Internet Population

China is on pace to surpass the number of Internet users in the U.S. Last year the country had a 23 percent increase in Internet users brining the total to 137 million.

Bank of America To Become One of Nation’s Largest Credit Issuers

Yesterday, Bank of America announced that it will become one of the largest credit issuers in the United States as it acquires MBNA Corporation.

The Largest Tech Buyout … Ever

The Mercury News reports on the largest tech buyout, ever. Silver Lake Partners and other private equity firms are acquiring SunGard Data Systems, a risk management software company, for $11.3 billion.

Samsung Announces Worlds Largest HDTV TFT-LCD

At a startling 82 inches, Samsung has announced the world's largest thin film transistor (TFT), high-definition LCD display.

Where Is Our Largest Technological Plan?

The period, more or less one year before September 11, the White House Technology Advisor worked on mankind's largest plan until now, to install a fantastic communications and IT network of 100 Mb/s in 100 million houses in the next 10 years.

Cassini Spacecraft Flying By Saturns Largest Moon

Today the NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens spacecraft makes a fly-by of Saturn's largest moon Titan - the closest ever performed.
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