Saleforce.com Gets AdWords Integration
Google and Saleforce.com have teamed up to integrate AdWords with Salesforce's customer relationship management (CRM) applications. Offering a hybrid called Salesforce Group Edition, the alliance is aimed at leveling the playing field for small and medium-sized businesses looking to compete online.
Email & IM Integration: Yahoo! or Yawnhoo?
Yahoo has announced the integration of Yahoo Mail with Yahoo instant messenger. This new functionality of Yahoo messenger will apparently make it possible to send and receive instant messages right from your Yahoo Mail (beta) interface.
SOA: Assistance with JBI Application Integration
The methodology of Enterprise Integration has advanced to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) because of its ability to weave disparate applications and services to produce a business structure where data can flow as a business process.
The Integration of Search & Display Marketing
Yahoo! and comScore released the results of a joint research project, entitled "Close the Loop: Understanding Search and Display Synergy," aimed at gauging the impact of search and display advertising campaigns when employed both independently and in concert with one another.
XML and SAP Business Connector Integration
Corporations are always in search of the most effective mechanism for both acquiring and selling goods as well as services at very minimum total cost over the Internet.
Supply Chain Integration Solutions
Let's take a quick look and analyze your position in the Supply Chain. You are either the one driving the truck, the one pumping the gas, or the one paying the other two.
New Report On XML Data Integration Tool
A recently released report by ZapThink touts the ability of DataDirect's standards-based XQuery, a java component for integrating relational and XML data, to address the challenges involved in data integration and allow the user to determine runtime infrastructure.