Tuesday, February 18, 2025


A Peek Inside Google’s Algo

Ever wish you could have a peek inside Google’s algorithm? Even just a little peek? Saul Hansell of the New York Times gave us all that peek in his article Sunday, Google Keeps Tweaking Its Search Engine. The entire article is worth a read or three, but here are some quotes I pulled along with a running commentary.

Inside SMX Seattle

SE Round Table's Tamar Weinberg provides an in-depth analysis of the first day's events at the 2007 Search Marketing Expo in Seattle.

Inside Google’s Gears

So, what did Google just do with its introduction of “Gears?” Setup its suite of office applications to go offline. Oh, and everyone else’s too. Zojo? ConceptShare? Zimbra? All will be able to go offline soon if their developers adopt Google’s Gears.

Taking a Look Inside MyBlogLog

Lee Odden interviewed MyBlogLog CEO Scott Rafer and got some insights into the blossoming social community site. From the looks of things, there are certainly some interesting developments in store for the young blogging community site.

Turning Customer Service Inside Out!

While companies focus thousands of dollars on external customer service in hopes of wooing and retaining customers, little attention is being paid to the effect poor internal customer service has on overall customer satisfaction.

A Peek Inside the Firehouse

Some time back, a number of bloggers noted the launch of the Chrysler Firehouse blog, which limited access to the working press.

Enterprise Blogs Inside The Firewall

The Gilbane Content Management Conference - The enterprise blogging panel was all about internal blogging - with two great speakers:

Inside the Shadowy World of SEO/M

One of the liabilities of working in the field of search engine optimization and marketing is the cold fact that, without a year of tedious explanation, hardly anyone understands what we do.
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