Wednesday, February 19, 2025


LookSmart Acquires Technology of Innovative Website

Innovative Technology Helps Consumers to Save, Search and Share Online Information.

7 Innovative Ways To Advertise Your Web Site

Advertise your web site and increase the traffic coming in. This will expose your site to more possible customers and will increase your sales. Here are 7 innovative ways to advertise your web site.

8 Innovative Ways Personalization can Explode Your Profits

With so many people beginning to realize the worth of this ever priceless marketing tool, personalization is slowly but surely becoming one of the most effective marketing methods on the Internet today. Are YOU using personalization yet? If not, your profits are sure to start suffering soon. Here are 8 priceless ways to easily double your sales and profits through the use of personalization:

Innovative Ways to Get Links

We all know it's important to get links to our sites to increase our traffic as well as link popularity. Yet, the process is both daunting and frustrating of finding contacts, keeping track of things and skimming directory listings.

7 Innovative Tactics to Increase Your Site’s Ad Sales Revenues

It is both incredulous and understandable, that many successful web publishers (in terms of building web traffic) have little or no regular advertising revenue based on their site's traffic. Incredulous, because in other forms of media, publishers are paid advertising on a cost per thousand basis (CPM). Understandable, because most web publishers do not come out of traditional publishing backgrounds and therefore, do not fully understand how advertising is sold. While some web publishers make meager revenue from the so called "pay for performance" advertising programs, and endeavor to increase their traffic using banner exchanges, most make no ad fees based on their site's traffic, impressions, or unique visitors.
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