Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Cyber-Bullying Increases

Around two-thirds of children who say they have been bullied online have not received any previous form of harassment according to research from the University of California at Riverside published in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Traffic To Microsoft Increases (Slightly)

As a search competitor, Microsoft is pretty much a failure - both comScore and Hitwise saw a drop in its already-small market share during October.  The corporation is far from finished, however, and it seems that traffic to Microsoft’s many sites actually rose.

Black Friday Site Traffic Increases 52%

Online traffic to Black Friday advertising websites is rising earlier in 2007 compared to 2006, Hitwise reported today. Online traffic to a custom category of Black Friday advertising websites increased 52 percent for the week ending Nov. 10, 2007 compared to Nov. 11, 2006.

Facebook’s London Audience Increases

New York’s network on Facebook is impressive, but not the biggest out there - both Vancouver and Toronto have it beat.  London’s the dominant location, however, and a Facebook employee made note of this fact over the weekend.

Google Increases Search Share in January

It’s no secret that Google is the top dog in the realm of search. Perched atop the mountain, the company has yet to be knocked off of its perch, or even face any serious threat to its dominance in the industry. According to January’s figure, don’t look for that trend to change anytime soon.

Search Tool Increases Online Sales For Retailer

Fry, Inc, a ecommerce design, development and managed services provider, has announced that the Web site design and re-launch of ShoeMall.com increased sales for the online retailer by 44 percent in 2006.

Microsoft Increases Computer Training Funding

The "Wizard of Redmond" better known as Bill Gates announced this week Microsoft would increase funding for its Unlimited Potential (UP) program while delivering the keynote address at the Microsoft Government Leaders Forum Europe in Lisbon, Portugal.

Delta’s Net Loss Increases

Delta has reported its financial results for the quarter ended June 20,2005. These include a net loss of $382 million, or $2.64 per share compared to $2.0 billion, or $15.79 per share a year ago.
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