Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Implementing Web Standards in the Enterprise

Go to most enterprise class websites and look at the code. What you will most likely find is a twisted mass of inaccessible poorly written HTML and large amounts of JavaScript that will never validate. This bloated and malformed code wastes bandwidth, lengthens load time, limits the customer base able to use the site and is a maintenance nightmare.

WinInet: Implementing Resuming Feature

Abstract This article describes the most efficient way to continue downloading a file from a point where it stoped and organize the mutithreaded downloading feature using the WinInet library.

More Ideas for Implementing MSF

The Microsoft Solutions Framework is a comprehensive collection of best practices derived from over 20 years of software development and deployment experience at Microsoft. Taken together, it supplies answers to three categories of questions:

Steps To Implementing A Marketing Program That Drives Sales

Goals 1. Determine your corporate revenue goals. I suggest you set three goals at three levels: Minimum Target Stretch

Implementing a Bridging Firewall

What is the difference between a bridging firewall and a conventional firewall? Usually a firewall also acts as a router: systems on the inside are configured to see the firewall as a gateway to the network outside, and routers outside are configured to see the firewall as the gateway to the protected network.
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