Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Senior Managers: You Can’t Keep Ignoring the Web

The Web deserves professional management because the Web is central to the future of the organization.

Bloggers Blasted For Ignoring Pay-For-Promotion

US press critic and writer Jay Rosen takes a hefty swipe at PR bloggers, with a blanket accusation ...

Ignoring The IRS (and the 5 best ways to contact them!)

We all love to criticize the IRS, don't we? And I'm just as guilty as anyone. It's easy to ridicule a huge organization of government bureaucrats who often seem to be Public Enemy #1.

Ignoring SEO Causes Loss of Sales

Oneupweb published its second study of leading companies' search engine optimization usage. (Its first study reviewed SEO usage on FORTUNE 100 sites.)

Are You Ignoring These Marketing Principles?

In marketing as in science there are basic principles that govern the movement of bodies in space, or prospects and clients. Just as people instinctively know the law of gravity, they are aware of the fundamental principles of marketing. Unlike the law of gravity which is hard to deny, many small business owners often neglect to apply core marketing principles to attract clients.

Are Headhunters Calling You… Or Ignoring You?

In my former life as a recruiter (also affectionately referred to as "headhunter") I received hundreds of resumes a week from all parts of the country. The statement that a person's resume gets a 15 second read is not far from the truth. In fact, 15 seconds is a generous assumption. In reality, a resume must capture the recruiter's attention in the first five seconds to avoid the round file. Candidates can greatly improve their chance of catching the recruiter's attention by following three simple rules: use the correct format, include plenty of quantifiable accomplishments and sprinkle liberally with appropriate keywords.
This product has multiple variants. Injecting local traffic to a dermatology practice – seo freelance expert. How to use the eisenhower matrix for smart task prioritization in product management.