Friday, February 7, 2025


If It Looks Like An Ad They Ignore It

If you were specifically looking for the population of the United States, you'd notice the big red numbers in the upper right corner of the US Census Bureau homepage right? Not so fast. A recent eye-tracking study suggests you've been trained to ignore things like that.

Don’t Ignore Blogger Outreach

The issue of blogger outreach has been on the minds of several communication-focused bloggers in the last few days. Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba, from the Church of the Customer blog, posted an item that advised against blogger outreach of any kind:

Does Everyone Ignore Your Newsletter?

As Internet marketers we all know how important it is to have a successful newsletter to help us keep in touch with our customers.

Google Sitemaps – 7 Benefits You Can’t Ignore

Google Sitemaps enables Webmasters to Directly Alert Google to Changes and Additions on a Website and that's just one of 7 Benefits.

Search Engines Ignore Ad Disclosure Recommendations

The effect was not unlike spitting into the ocean. After a series of studies looking into search engines' paid inclusion and paid placement disclosure practices and a string of FTC recommendations, a follow-up study shows that little has been done.

Ignore The Blogs At Your Client’s Peril…

That's my new favorite motto, something that I thought of during my presentation at the NewComm Forum.

Does your Book Cover Pass the Ignore Test?

Your book cover is the first impression a potential client has with your book. The book cover design and message will determine if your book will be ignored or bought.

Why You Should Ignore This Advice

Doesn't make too much sense does it? Am I really going to give you some advice that asks you to ignore the advice I'm giving you? Well, that's not strictly true. I am however going to show you how to qualify the advice you are given, so you can sort the wheat from the chaff, and help you to survive the information overload on the Internet.
Buy and sell in south africa. Autocorrect – mjm school. Applying for a personal loan ? here’s what you should know.