Turn Harmful 404 Error Pages Into Helpful 301 Redirects
It's a fact, Page Not Found, known as a 404 error, can harm your website Ranking with Search Engines as well as being a Turn-Off for Visitors.
Hewitt’s Blog Book: A Helpful Resource For Business
While I was away at the New Communications Forum 2005 last week, a package arrived from Amazon with my copy of Hugh Hewitt's new book on blogging, published on 13 January.
10 Helpful Tips to Follow When Switching Web Hosts
You've made your decision to move from your website from your current web host to a new web host. The following tips will help you make the transition easier and make you aware of some potential pitfalls to avoid.
Helpful Hints for Writing Articles
An interesting question was recently asked of me in one of the Marketing Challenge's Private Site discussion forums by Yasser Masood, the owner and webmaster of http://www.computerarticles.com/.
Helpful Design Tips For A Successful Site
Whether you've yet to start building your website or you've already created it, you should look over these helpful tips for creating an efficient and well-designed site.