Wednesday, February 19, 2025


The Greatest Leaders Are Often The Worst Leaders

It's a common occurrence, a CEO leads a company to record earnings, retires and in months, those once high-flying earnings are dropping like shot ducks.

The World’s Greatest Sales Letter

It all started innocently enough. One day I got one of those marketing letters in my email box. You know, the one where you send 5 dollars to each person on the list and then everybody's supposed to send money back to you. I'd never even given any of those kinds of emails a second look before, but this one got my attention.

Internet Marketing’s Number One Greatest Secret

Success at building and operating an on-line business hinges upon your recognizing one very important fact. That is, that operating an on-line business is no different than operating an off-line business.

The Greatest Marketing Secret of All Time

If there is something about which I am pretty adamant, it's the concept of attracting clients that are pre-qualified and willing to do business. And this involves many different things, but most of it comes down to three core practices:

Your Online Business’s Greatest Asset

One of the most common questions I get asked goes something like this: "I've just signed up for your xyz program and it's great. But now I want to start making money by selling it to others. How do I find people to sell it to?"

Health Insurance for the Self-Employed – Protecting Your Business’s Greatest Asset

"I've been considering quitting my full-time job and getting a part-time job that would pay the bills [so I can start a home business] ... The one biggie my full-time job provides me now is health insurance. If I was to get a part-time job, I'd probably have to pay for my own health insurance and I know that can be expensive."

Moonlighting’s Greatest Challenge … How to Beat the Time Crunch

I receive many emails each week with send times like 5:02 am, 4:47 am and 1:02 am. Ah, I think to myself, another moonlighter. It's tough being a moonlighter, as many of you reading this know only too well. Here are some ideas to help you beat the time crunch.

Destroy The Greatest Real Estate Myth

We've all heard it said, "The most important thing in real estate is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!" For years real estate agents have been peddling that line. As many will say, "it's the reason why real estate does or does not sell."
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