Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Google Jobs Post Leads To GoogleNet Rumors

Google has stated before it has no interest in becoming a provider of network services, but a job posting on its site solicits applications for Strategic Negotiators with "negotiation of dark fiber contracts" listed as part of the desired candidates' experience.

Clinging To GoogleNet

Google says I'm wrong. Robert X. Cringely says it, too. Even Murdok' David Utter disagrees. Okay, maybe so. But as cognitive dissonance has its way with me, I'm stickin' to my guns and siding with Om Malik's original assertion that we haven't heard the last of GoogleNet. After all, if our favorite search engine has the means and the motivation, why wouldn't it set up an ad-supported nationwide wireless network?

GoogleNet ContinuedWelcome To The Future

Just when you thought Google couldn't get any more jaw-dropping with its latest explorations, you realize with a sudden and exasperated "omigod" that this is bigger-much bigger than we imagined. Google, NASA, and MIT are going to change the world...again.
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