Googlebot Wields New Crawl Tools
Bringing your website into the voluminous BigTable of Google's index involves sending out pieces of code, referred to as spiders or crawlers affectionately named "Googlebot," to pick up your site. Google Webmaster Central has some tips for webmasters showing how they can learn more about Googlebot.
When Was the Last Time You Saw the Googlebot?
The Google crew cleared up a bit about how the Googlebot caches webpages. The date at the cached page reflects the last time the page was modified.
Quoth The Googlebot, “304!”
The latest news from Google Webmaster Central disclosed how the search engine's spider saves a webmaster from unnecessary bandwidth costs.
Matt Cutts Reins In Googlebot
Ahead of Search Engine Strategies 2006 conference in San Jose, Google's best-known engineer suggested some basic approaches to making a visiting Googlebot behave when it drops by your website.
GoogleBot the “Spider of Doom”
A funny story is circulating in tech circles about how Googlebot inadvertently destroyed the database of a content management system (CMS) based site that took months of work to build.
Playing in Googlebot’s Sandbox with Slurp, Teoma & MSNbot Spiders Display Distinctly Differing Personalities
There has been endless webmaster speculation and worry about the so-called "Google Sandbox" - the indexing time delay for new domain names - rumored to last for at least 45 days from the date of first "discovery" by Googlebot. This recognized listing delay came to be called the "Google Sandbox effect."
The Googlebot Assault Continues
Now that the long-awaited PR update has come and gone, there are reports of the Google's indexing spider continuing to perform comprehensive site scans. Recently, Murdok ran an article discussing these types of scans and the majority of the speculation pointed towards the upcoming PR update. Now that this quarter's update is complete, why is the Googlebot continuing to bombard sites?
Tracking Google and Googlebot Using PHP
No one alive can deny the force of Google and how powerful it has become in the Web design and Web hosting business. Many people work for hours and hours, days and days to make sure the Web site they have is ready for Google and it's Googlebot whenever it might come for a visit.