Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Google Launches Gadget for Insights for Search

Google has introduced an iGoogle gadget for Insights for Search. It displays the top rising searches and top related searches on your Google home page. Users can change the settings to show results for a specific location, keyword, category, or source.

Gadget Fans Seen As Leaders

Avid fans of technology are more assertive and are likely to be leaders according to a recent online study from Mindset Media and Nielsen Online.The study looked at the characteristics of 25,000 U.S. adults and found fans of technology scored higher in personality traits such as leadership, dynamism and assertiveness but had low levels of modesty. According to the study, these traits are not driven by age, gender or income.

Google Launches Elections 2008 Gadget

Like it or not, the 2008 presidential election is approaching, and should you be in that first category, Google is ready to keep you informed with a new Elections 2008 gadget.

Google Talk Gadget Learns More Languages

Some announcements are surprising, while others are expected.  This is neither; although we didn’t know it was going to happen, it’s actually quite logical that the Google Talk Gadget would gain support for 19 more languages.

Google Redesigns Gadget Directory

The iGoogle gadget directory has been completely redesigned.

My Facebook Vista Sidebar Gadget

With Microsoft buying a portion of Facebook, it’s only appropriate that tonight’s Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget is a Facebook one.

Google Gadget Ads All About The Experience

A Google spokesperson provided a few more details about Gadget Ads, the widgety rich media ad platform the search advertising company recently debuted.

Google Gadget Ads Rolling Out

Today Google is announcing the wider availability of Google Gadgets in ad format, something that has been in testing for months. Several advertisers are cited as happy beta partners, including Intel, Six Flags, and a fizzy beverage company.
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