Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Google Reader’s Search Function: Where is it?

Now that I subscribe to over 100 blogs with Google Reader, I skim posts making a mental note to come back later and read the whole thing.

Mac User Makes Auto Complete Search Function For Safari

One of the bigger laments coming from the Mac crowd in relation to search is the lack of search utilities and tools for the Mac environment, although the Google Toolbar is available to Mac users, if they don't want to use Spotlight.

C++ Function Templates

C++ Function templates are those functions which can handle different data types without separate code for each of them.

Business Ethics: How the Sales Function Can Transmit Company Values

I recently got a "thank-you" call from a man who read my new e-book Buying Facilitation. "Boy," he said, "this method sure helps me close more deals and make more money. Thanks!"

The Great Debate: Best-of-Breed versus Multi-Function CRM Suites

An interview by Carol Parenzan Smalley, Managing Editor, CRMGuru Which CRM solution to buy? One that touts itself as best-of-breed (specific application such as sales or marketing) or one claiming to do it all? Ask any two people and you are sure to get three different answers. To begin our discussion among colleagues, let me introduce two leaders from both sides of the issue. After you read their words, be sure to share a few of your own.


Never put form over function. Why? Because it's crucial that visitors actually be able to USE your site. Everything you do must be designed to be as easy for the visitor to understand as possible. Everything should be functional first. If you put form before function, you sacrifice your visitor's best interest for your own preferences. By definition, putting form over function means you sacrifice function--you make it harder to perform whatever task is supposed to be performed. You give up ease of use or simplicity in order to make it look nicer. Basically, you wind up with a lot of icing and no cake.

Website Design vs. Function

Easily, one of the biggest mistakes webmasters make when first starting out on the web is in the design of their site. This is extremely understandable, considering that, in the brick and mortar world, a business's success is often dependent on it's appearance. The more money put into the look and design of a business, the better it often does.

Form Follows Function

"Form follows function" is a term coined by the Bauhaus of the 20's and 30s to describe how a building or object's appearance (such as a chair) should be dictated by its purpose. Although the Bauhaus philosophy of design has had many successes and some dramatic failures, its application to web design has been more conceptual than applied. In other words, most web authors prefer to design with their creation's aesthetics in mind and not just it's function.
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