Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Blog Posting Frequency and Other Dilemmas

Blog posting frequency is a question, that faces and confounds every blog writer, from time to time. Occasionally, more often than that...

Blog Posting Frequency: How Often?

Blog posting frequency is one of the most frequently asked blog questions. How often should a blogger post to a blog is a question that has an ambiguous answer.

Reach vs. Frequency

Reach and frequency are terms generally used when planning advertising campaigns. However, the concept of reach and frequency applies to any promotional activity you undertake: direct mail, direct selling, and even networking.

High Google Rankings: Frequency vs. Positioning

There's an assumption that the higher a ranking or positioning you have with major search engines; the more people will beat a path to your web doorstep. But based on my experience, that's simply not true! There's another factor that is just as important and may actually drive more traffic to your site.

Reach or Frequency? … Which Adds More $$ to Your Bottom Line?

Lets say that you have been given a budget of $10,000 (not including creative costs) to sell a new $800 product or service via direct mail to a relatively cold list. You know that once a new client comes on board they will usually spend another $2,000 with you over the next 2 years.

Industry Pro Interview – Increase the Buying Frequency From Your Customers

Kevin Clark ("Mr. Entrepreneur") is a high-energy champion for those who want to start a business or get more profit out of their business. He's a regional winner of the prestigious Entrepreneur Of The Year Award and was inducted into the Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame.

Submission Frequency

Dear Dan, How often should you submit your web site to the search engines? I received an email from one SEO company that claims you should do this daily, within the limits of the number of URL you are allowed to submit every day. Others claim that this is abusive, pages should only be submitted when it is new or modified.

Barbie & Ken Frequency

As children, some of us have dolls and cowboy boots and hats, and holsters and guns, with caps of course !! Some have GI Joe and Barbie & Ken Dolls.
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