Friday, February 7, 2025


Damashi Peer Review – Text Formatting Gone Crazy!

Nice website. Loads fast and you get a vague idea of what you stumbled onto. Sort of. You know they're trying to sell you a book, and you have links and plenty of info on there to get you on the right path. (Does that sound too "Zen"?) Unfortunately, there are hinderances to the website that keep it from becoming one with itself. I've listed them as follows:

Currency Formatting and Putting Commas In Numbers

This article will show you how to do two things: 1. Round numbers to the nearest hundredth, with two digits following the decimal point. This can be useful when displaying prices or the totals of orders. 2. Insert commas between every third digit (right to left) for numbers 1000 and larger. This can make numbers easier to read.

Formatting your Email Newsletters

Pop-quiz hotshot! You've got to send an HTML email to a list of clients and have it display correctly across a spectrum of email clients which include Outlook, web-based, frame-based. It has to be Netscape compatible, Eudora-friendly, Lotus Notes accessible... What do you do? So, you want to send HTML email to your clients, prospects or newsletter subscribers. Marketing has descended from upon high and declared it, the small business client wants it, and an executive in management has read something about it. Well, why not? The clickthrough rates are noticeably higher on HTML email. Analytics show that customers are less likely to unsubscribe from HTML email than their text counterparts. In my last TemplateKit email newsletter (50,000+ recipients, I had 12 unsubscribes, 9 of which were text recipients. Customers simply respond with more click-throughs, more sales, more inquiries for information, but only if your message is in a form that the recipient can easily view and display correctly.
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