Tuesday, January 7, 2025


New Office Formats Will Be Open XML

Microsoft has announced that it will make XML the standard format for all Office programs when it releases Office 12 next year. Microsoft says this will mainly benefit businesses who need to tap into a variety of databases, and will discuss more details at TechEd next week.

Upcoming DVD Formats Discuss Co-existence

Because of space required to record high-definition broadcasts and movies presented in H-D format, the need for higher capacity DVD discs becomes more and more imperative. However, because there are two formats vying for industry acceptance, deciding which one becomes standard has been a heated occurrence.

Understanding Floating Point Formats

Under ordinary circumstances, you don't have to know or care how numbers are represented within your programs. However, when you are transferring data files that contain numbers, you will have to convert if the storage formats are not identical. If the numbers are just integers, that's fairly easy because the only differences will be the length and the byte order: how many bytes the number takes up, and whether it is stored lsb or msb (least signifacant byte or most significant byte first). Once you know that, conversion is trivial.

Conventional Formats Work

Books have a lot in common, regardless of the writer, content, or publisher. The covers are of sturdier weight than the inner pages. There's a title page. Some credits on the reverse side, or on the next page. Maybe a dedication by the author. If appropriate, there's a table of contents next. If there's an introduction, it follows. And if there's an index, it's at the back of the book.

Ebooks — Self-Publishing Your Way to Internet Success Part 3 Ebook Formats (html)

In part 2 of this series, we focused on ebooks formatted in PDF. We will now continue with HTML compiled ebooks. Hypertext Markup Language Format (HTML)

Ebooks — Self-Publishing Your Way to Internet Success Part 2 Ebook Formats (PDF)

The most popular ebook formats used on the Internet are the Portable Document Format, better known as PDF, and the Hypertext Markup Language, better known as HTML.

Beyond Ebooks: 5 Powerful Infoproduct Formats

Here are 5 alternatives to eBooks that will put more money in your pockets. 1. Audio Interviews One of the key disadvantages of eBooks, newsletters, special reports, etc... is that they are non-interactive. Many people learn better by hearing examples, discovering information in an interactive setting. Get someone to interview you about your topic and record it. You can record the interview over the phone, in person or by using a third-party conference service. Once again, you can offer your information via recorded interview for a premium over what you would charge in eBook format.

Common File Formats

Below is a list of common file formats. If you would like to add one to the list, please email us with the extension and a brief description. ACE - ACE Archiver compression file. AIF - Audio Interchange File used with SGI and Macintosh applications. ANI - Animated cursors used in Microsoft Windows. API - Application Program Interface. ART - Clipart.
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