Sunday, December 22, 2024


Landing Page Usability: More Than Just The Curiosity Factor

A landing page is the page that visitors first see after becoming curious enough to click on a link to your site. The link may be found on search engine results pages, within a specifically-targeted email, on the site's navigation toolbar or within another website.

Dog House Factor’ Drives VDay Shopping

Valentine's Day shopping, it may be said, is driven by the "dog house factor" as much as or more than love. Men have long suspected that the holiday was contrived by sinister dealings between marketers and women. An online poll by Harris Interactive suggests that the agreed upon day for symbolic materialism is a bit more important to the ladies, but not near as important as to the online marketer.

The ADD Factor of Internet/TV Ads

Some say the Internet will soon overtake King TV as broadband access becomes more and more prolific. Indeed a recent Canadian study has suggested that the gap between time spent online per week and time spent watching television is closing rapidly. Some have gone to extremes saying that television is deep trouble and advertisers should make a dramatic shift in their ad budgets. But cooler heads and other reports might suggest that the two will walk hand in hand.

Factor 5 Shuns Xbox 360 For Game Development reports that Factor 5, developer of games including the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series...

Is Ontology the Next Big Factor in Google’s Algorithm?

When the ax comes down at Google, there are always big winners and big losers. Recently, we've seen the first big algorithm change of the year and many web site owners and their respective sites have fallen, much like the proverbial tree.

Google Losing Hip-Factor?

CNet raises the question that Google may be losing its coolness after popular nighttime soap "The O.C." plugged Amazon's A9 in a recent episode.

To Factor or Not to Factor?

The purchasing of accounts receivable (invoices) is generally known as factoring. Businesses can sell their invoices to companies known as factors. Although not all businesses are familiar with factoring, historians claim that factoring dates back to the ancient Roman civilization making it one of the world's oldest methods of finance.

Are Backlinks The Most Important Factor In Google Rankings? Depends On Who You Ask

How do search engines evaluate relevancy when ranking search results? Do they concentrate on optimized content, or do they value contextual backlinks more? Do they place more importance for on page content (optimized web copy)? Or do they emphasize off page, anchored links pointing to the site in question?