Thursday, February 20, 2025


Mobile Advertising Not Exactly Taking Off

We’ve reached the point at which the average person is sure to own a cell phone.  He or she still isn’t too likely to surf the Web with it, however, and he or she is almost definitely opposed to mobile advertising.  All of which points to the conclusion that mobile ads won’t take off in the way proponents have predicted.

What Exactly is a Unique Visitor?

What's the difference between a unique visitor and a user? This post will outline the basics. Many people make the mistake of equating the two, and there are some substantial differences. First let's look at how a web analytics package measures a visitor. The first step is to cookie the machine when a user visits it. Once the cookie is set, that machine is considered a unique visitor.

Wikipedia Did Not Ban Qatar (Not Exactly)

Wikipedia founder Jim Wales wants everybody to know that he or his editing team did not ban the entire country of Qatar. While he shouts that correction to the zealous blogosphere, we are suddenly chilled at David Utter's proclamation that the Scoop is dead.

What Exactly is Internet Marketing?

The internet, like every other field, has a language all its own. And when it comes to marketing on the internet, the labels proliferate rapidly. Can you tell "search engine marketing" from "search engine optimization?" How about "website promotion" from "online promotion?"

What Exactly is CRM Anyway?

For years we've been enamored with technology. Do you even remember how you worked without email? Or the internet? We've gotten so accustomed to using technology as part of our daily business practice, that we seem to focus on it as a solution rather than a business tool.

Niche Marketing… What exactly is that?

Well, according to the dictionary, the word niche means "a suitable place or position"

Where Exactly Is This Business Coming From?

Have you ever tried to complete an online order form only to find there just aren't enough boxes for your address. Or that there are too many and the form will not submit until all boxes are completed? Have you ever filled them with gibberish? Ever received one filled with gibberish?

What exactly do you do again?

We are all exposed to a huge amount of information these days. We are information rich and time poor and have had to develop skills to counteract that and be more efficient with our time. We've become masters at quickly filtering out the information we need and discarding the rest.
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