Tuesday, February 18, 2025


In Marketing, Perception Is Everything

The mind is a deeply complex organ, at times influenced by small, seemingly trivial things, and at others closed off to any external stimuli. Think of it as an onion, with belief at the center and perception at the outermost layer. Subtle stimuli can alter perception not just more easily than they can belief, but also can alter perception in nearly imperceptible ways, as air overtime hardens and dries the top layer, not affecting the layer beneath.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Customers

The purpose of marketing has always been clear—to facilitate customer acquisition—but one of the most important things that a marketer can do is help his or her company learn more about its customers.  Who are they?  What do they read?  What do they search for?  What do they shop for?  And what’s the maximum we’re willing to pay to acquire their business?  There was a time when very little of this was really knowable. 

Do Not Believe Everything Your Read

Okay, so I said it all in the title. Perhaps you need not even read this article as you may start off not believing it. Today I read an article written by an unknown name in the SEO industry (at least unknown to me). It had a number of points focused on improving search rankings and provided a bunch of tips on how to improve the overall standings for a site. Sounds like a useful article, and for many who read it, I am sure it was - or at least seemed that way.

Google Earth and KML: The Searchability of Everything

Some sympathy here for Tim O'Reilly's comment on this post about Google Earth and the new capabilities being unleashed for developers. "People should be jumping up and down about this!" I'm guessing the people who usually jump up and down don't understand it, and the people who will be working with it aren't given to jumping up and down.

Transparent Media and Wikify Everything

Chris Anderson is on a roll about transparency  and six tactics for transparent media:

IT Services Outsourcing When You Don’t Know Everything

IT services outsourcing is what you need to do when, not if, your prospects ask for products and services that you are not able to deliver.

Social Bookmarking – It’s Not Everything

There was some buzz about social marketing lately, and, coupled with the link bait issue, it may form quite an impression that creating content to spread virally and to get links and Diggs is the way to go.

You Can’t Do Everything in Windows Live Writer

A short while ago I wanted to convert my ajax tagger in to a Windows Live Writer Plugin.
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