Friday, January 10, 2025


Microsoft Enhances adCenter, Offers Tips

The Microsoft adCenter team took the holiday break to put some "finishing touches" on some enhancements to the service. These enhancements include:

YouTube Enhances Embedded Search and Audio Library

YouTube has a couple of new things going on worth noting. First off, if you nave not noticed by now, embedded YouTube videos now carry a search box at the top. This only appears when you mouseover the top portion of the video, and disappears when you move away.

MySpace Enhances Mobile Features On Cingular

In a partnership that was announced earlier today, social networking site MySpace and wireless industry leader Cingular have collaborated to offer customers enhanced MySpace functionality.

Google Enhances Webmaster Tools

Vanessa Fox unveiled new features included with Google's Webmaster Tools in an entry this week on the Official Google Webmaster Central Blog.

Microsoft Tool Enhances New York Times

Through the Windows Presentation Foundation technology found in the forthcoming Vista operating system, Microsoft's "Times Reader" will improve the newspaper's online readability across multiple platforms.

Stylus Studio Enhances XML-To-EDI Support

The Enterprise Edition of Stylus Studio's 2006 Release 2 XML IDE supports hundreds of message and transaction set types of EDIFACT and X12.

Technorati Enhances Chart Blogging

The charts provided by blog search site Technorati now have more data behind them, giving blog searchers an extra treat while searching for posts on their favorite topics.

Microsoft Enhances Small Business Financial Management

Microsoft announced the availability of Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Financials North America Edition.
Skincare : the shift that the consumers have towards clinical wellness is very evident in the skincare sector. Innovation spotlights : revolutionary card game podcasts. Forex, short for foreign exchange, refers to the global marketplace for buying and selling currencies.