Political Parties Embrace New Media
New media usage is a commonplace activity for U.S. adults in all major political parties, according to BIGresearchs's "Simultaneous Media Usage Study."
Embrace All Methods of Learning About Customers
Glenn Gow brought to my attention a post he wrote a few weeks back that should get us all thinking. In it, he summarizes a recent MITSloan Management Review piece that upbraids most marketers for doing the easiest kind of market research: Listening to our existing customers.
Canadians Embrace Web 2.0
Social networking and blogging among Canadian Internet users is not just for young adults according to a new poll by TNS Canadian facts.
Women Slow To Embrace Online Video
Who watches the most online video? Though women out number men by 6 million online men still consume more Web video content than women, according to a report from eMarketer.
"While 78% of males watch video online, only 66% of females do," says Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and the author of the new Women Online: Taking a New Look report. "They are less likely than males to visit most video destination sites - even the biggie, YouTube."
Building a creative company: Embrace new ideas
A creative company is a must in today's highly competitive business environment. To build that innovative business, it takes courage on the part of management.
Advertisers Embrace Consumer-Generated Videos
How do you create TV ads targeted to cynical 18- to 34-year-olds who have tuned out normal commercials?
Retailers Further Their Embrace Of The Hispanic Online Market
As the Hispanic penetration into the online world continues, slowly but surely retailers and site owners are being more conscience of this audience and the spending power they can provide.
Microsoft Extends Longhorn To Embrace RSS
Really Simple Syndication support shall be a feature in the long awaited Longhorn 64-bit operating system.