Monday, January 13, 2025


PayPal Stonewalls Charitable Deadspin Effort

The editor and participants at the lively sports blog Deadspin attempted to establish a fund to benefit the family and platoon of Adam Knox, who died in the service of his country.

IBM’s Global Humanitarian Effort

IBM, along with representatives of science, education and philanthropic organizations, have launched World Community Grid.

WilliamsRandall Marketing Communications Cites Strategic Effort to Grow Online Services Offerings

WilliamsRandall Marketing Communications has spent the last 18 months implementing a strategic plan to grow its technology offerings.

Follow up Increases Sales 80% with Only 20% Effort

Did you know that 80% of all sales are made after the 5th contact? And that people who have already bought from you are your best bets for new products and services?

Time + Effort = Money?

The equation is simple enough. It says it all - doesn't it? Or does it? Why the question mark?

Five Questions to Help You Decide if the Content is Worth the Effort

"Repurposing" is a great term, isn't it? When it comes to web writing, repurposing sounds much better than rewriting, redoing, reorganizing, or transforming-print-into-readable-web-text. But unlike most buzzwords, repurposing contains the essence of what good web writers do when they adapt a print document to the web: they change the document substantially so it fulfills a purpose on the web. They alter the print original so it communicates to web readers who read in different ways and for different purposes than print readers do.

Are Webpage Exchange Programs Worth the Effort?

There are many types of affordable advertising and website promotion services that you can find online. For the cost conscious website promoter banner advertising, pay-per-click (PPC) search engine advertising and autosurf or webpage exchange programs might seem to be a good option. We are all aware by now that banner advertising has lost its effectiveness. PPC search engine advertising is only worthwhile in a few of the larger engines such as Overture or Findwhat. But what about the webpage exchanges and autosurf programs?

Understanding Effort and Results in Business

Dive into the intricate relationship between effort and results in business. Learn why every action, big or small, always leads to some outcome and how to achieve positive results.