Sunday, January 12, 2025


Internet Has Almost Double The Influence Of TV

In the UK, Germany, and France the Internet has about double the influence of television when it comes to consumer decision making according to the Digital Influence Index, a study done by Fleishman-Hillard and Harris Interactive.The study found that consumers use the Internet in a number of ways to make decisions. Consumers are more likely to seek opinions of others by visiting social media and product rating sites when making choices that have a major personal impact.

McClatchy Ad Revenue Down Double Digits

The executives at The McClatchy Company, which owns major newspapers across the US like The Miami Herald, The Lexington Herald Leader, and the Charlotte Observer, didn't utter the names of their digital demons in their latest earnings report. But it's funny sometimes how there's a defining echo between the lines.

Mobile Video Users To Double By 2010

Global sales of mobile video phones are estimated to more than double by 2010 compared to last year, according to a new report from Infonetics Research "Mobile Video Phones, Services, and Subscribers." Sales of video phones will increase to around $125 billion by 2010 from close to $58 billion last year. The number of video subscribers is projected to increase from just a few million last year to 58.6 million in 2010.

Double Dipping in Google’s Organic Results

Subdomain Spam Since Google has been over-representing site authority in their relevancy algorithms many sites like eBay have begun abusing the hole with the use of infinite subdomains. These techniques not only effect branded search results, but also carry over to many other competitive keywords. 

Local Online Video Ads To More Than Double In 07

A new report by Borrell Associates says that local online video advertising will account for $371 million this year, which is 5 percent of total online ad spending. In 2012, that amount will climb to $5 billion and will account for 35 percent of local online advertising budgets, Borrell projects in its report, “The New Frontier: Local Online Video Advertising.”

A Google vs. Microsoft Double Standard?

I was just looking at all the blog writing about Google's new announcement. Hey, what an awesome PR machine Google has. They don't talk to a single blogger and we all talk about them anyway. I think bloggers like the abuse!

Google Subdomains On Double Secret Probation

UK-based developer Tony Ruscoe, doing some routine Google sleuthing, believes he may have uncovered a few quiet Google projects. Judging solely from subdomains, one might surmise Google has a lot up its sleeve.

Europe’s Competition Double Standard

When it comes to US-based companies like Microsoft and Apple, the European Union thinks they should open the doors on their intellectual property to competitors; when it comes to municipalities competing with broadband providers, the EU's stance is downright American.
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