Saturday, February 22, 2025


MSN Direct For Windows Mobile Smartphones Launched

Microsoft has made available software for Windows Mobile Smartphones that gives free access to news and weather information, thanks to its MSN Direct network. Any Smartphone (that’s a phone running Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone or Windows Mobile 6 Standard) can pick up the download at

Direct Mail Advertising’s Online Effects

According to a new study, eBusinesses that want to contact people through direct mail advertising might be best off trying to reach men between the ages of 55 and 64.  Compared to 2003, though, their odds of reaching just about everybody are significantly better.

NBC Direct Launches Free TV Show Downloads

It’s been a big fortnight for NBC—first Hulu launched, now NBC Direct launches. Announced in September, NBC Direct is a service designed to allow viewers to download NBC shows for free.

Direct Marketing Combined with Video

You could be forgiven if, after listening to the excerpts of my interview on Beet.TV, you thought that my favorite television programs are infomercials. But I was trying to make a point. Infomercials, and other direct TV campaigns, have a lot to teach us about video for the Web.

Google: From Direct Marketing to Branded Ads

Ad Relevancy & Quality Scores Google has again and again touted the value of their targeted marketing, but most of the fortune 500 ad dollars are not spent on targeted marketing. A couple weeks ago in a WebmasterWorld thread many advertisers complained about getting killed by another quality score update.

Direct Marketing Lives (Kind of)

In these days of email marketing, social networking, and other new millennium selling tools, it’s good to see that old fashioned direct marketing still exists. When I retrieved my mail today, I found an intriguing package that looked like a slightly lumpy Express Mail delivery.

Troubleshooting Direct Serial Connections

A prime topic of your CCNA and CCNP CIT exams will be connecting Cisco routers directly via their Serial interfaces, and while the configuration is straightforward, there are some vital details and show commands you must know in order to pass the exams and configure this successfully in production and home lab networks.

RSS – Creating A Direct Link To Your Customers

Due to the overwhelming amount of spam on the internet, many users are turning from traditional newsletter subscriptions to RSS feeds to get their information.
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