Saturday, January 4, 2025


Gates Having Chinese For Dinner

The Chinese delegation with President Hu Jintao and his entourage will dine with Bill and Melinda Gates at Gates' mansion after visiting the Microsoft campus today.

When Email Comes To Dinner

Sadly there were no tales of bad behavior at the home of correspondent Lee Gomes, who invited the heads of email teams from Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo to dinner with the admonishment that bad behavior would not be tolerated.

Blogs Become Dinner Table In China

After a New York Times article outlined the blog-life of Mu Mu, a 25-year-old Chinese blogger, Communist party member, and now free-speech sex symbol, the slammed servers may deny you access to her blog more efficiently than the Chinese government. In short, she hasn't really said anything the government can object to-she's not an advocate, she's a dancer, and a symbol of the new dinner table rebellion.

CellphediaThe Next Distraction From Driving, Dinner, And All Things Not Lame

Could we stop making up words, please? It was cute at first, but now it's terribly annoying as the squiggly red lines on my word processor stretch across my screen candy cane style. Thanks to an NYU grad student, we get to add another word to the effluvium of techno-jargon logorrhea.

Emerging Tech Dinner at Yahoo

A couple days ago, I was leaving work and was really surprised to run into Scott Rafer (Feedster CEO), Rich Skrenta ( co-founder), Ross Mayfield (Socialtext CEO) and a few others.