Webster And AskMeNow Launch Mobile Dictionary
AskMeNow, a mobile search company has partnered with Merriam-Webster, publisher of print and electronic English language references to launch a mobile dictionary. Customers can access the dictionary by texting ASKME (27563). The service is available in the US and Canada.
Mobile users can also access interactive features such as Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, which is designed to improve vocabulary and Open Dictionary, where members can create and submit their own new words and definitions.
Preventing a Brute Force or Dictionary Attack
To understand and then combat a brute force attack, also known as a dictionary attack, we must start by understanding why it might be an appealing tool for a hacker.
Google Gets Dictionary-ized
Those in charge of Google's trademark are kicking their desks as the brand identity they've fought so hard to protect from genericization through nasty letters and emails to everyone who dared assume "to google" meant "to search" (wow! This is one long sentence) officially became a verb by being admitted to the dictionary.
Personal Dictionary for Ispell
Ispell works well, but it has to be the most confused project I've ever seen. I started looking into this because I got tired of seeing the same common words pop up for correction and wanted to add those words to some file that would cause Ispell to ignore them.
Blog Wins Easily As Dictionary Word Of The Year
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary number one word of the year is blog. It received the largest number of user requests by a wide margin. Blog is defined as:
Wanted: A Dictionary-Perfect Leader
Answers are often before our very eyes or in front of our noses - particularly if we read the American Heritage Dictionary!