Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Developing Countries Breeding Grounds for Open Source

Red Herring's Falguni Bhuta predicts "More (Open Source) momentum in developing countries":

Developing Your Internal Linking Structure

The core of the Internet is pages with links pointing to and from them. That's why it is not only important to have something to get links to, but to link from a page.

Developing a Profitable Web 2.0 Project in 24 Hours

It took seven months to get the One Million Masterpiece charity project online. The site is complex and needed the development time, but in the last few days I've had a yearning to see if I can still turn around a project in 24 hours.

Developing That Web Style

Cascading Style Sheet standards compliance resided at the base of many complaints about Internet Explorer; its developers have made efforts to follow the standards better with IE 7, and for good reason as CSS can make a web developer's life easier.

Developing Effective Managers

Effective managers are people who possess great skills. In todays work environment managing a team requires more than just telling others what to do and how to do it.

Developing your Blog Exit Strategy

This is the first part in a series on developing your blog exit strategy.

Microsoft Developing Virtual Wallet

Bill Gates showed off today a virtual wallet, code-named InfoCard, that will allow people to make transactions online without user names or passwords, and thus, without fear of those things being stolen.

Warner Music Developing A Digital Label

Forget massive CD production costs and printing in-store promotion materials; Warner may be ready to transform digital music.
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